DONG-EUI University - |
Approved only for Dong-eui University students completing the registered curriculum |
Course: |
Financial Insurance Department’s - Finance planning 1, 2 |
Incheon University- |
Approved only for Incheon University students completing the 3 subjects in the curriculum offered in the second semester of 2007 |
Course: |
Department of Studies on Consumers and Children’s - Home Financial Planning, - Home Savings Investment, - Home Risk Management and Insurance Planning |
Sangmyung University- |
Approved only for Sangmyung University students completing the 2 subjects in the curriculum offered in the second semester of 2007 |
Course: |
Department of Studies on Consumers and Residents’ - Financial planning, - Consumer’s portfolio |
Seoul National University |
Approved only for Seoul National University students completing the 2 subjects in the curriculum offered in the second semester of 2007 |
Course: |
Department of Studies on Consumers and Children’s - Financial Planning of Consumers, - Consumers’ portfolio |
Yeongnam University - |
Approved only for Yeongnam University students completing the curriculum offered in the second semester of 2007 |
Course: |
Economic and Financial Department’s - Special lecture on Economy and Finance |
Sungkyunkwan University - |
Approved only for Sungkyunkwan University students completing the curriculum offered in the first semester of 2008 |
Course: |
Department of Consumer and Family Science - Financial Planning, - Insurance & Retirement Planning, - Financial Planning Practice |
Inha University - |
Approved only for Inha University students completing the curriculum offered in the first semester of 2008 |
Course: |
Department of Consumer and Child Studies - Consumer Financial Planning, - Investment and Insurance of the Family, - Personal Financial Management and Strategy |
Hallym University - |
Approved only for Hallym University students completing the curriculum offered in the second semester of 2008 |
Course: |
Department of Finamce - Financial Planning, - Retirement Planning |
Sungshin Women’s University - |
Approved only for Sungshin Women’s University students completing the curriculum offered in the second semester of 2008 |
Course: |
Department of Living Culture and Consumer Science - Consumer Financial Planning, - Investment and Asset Management of the Family |
Keimyung University - |
Approved only for Keimyung University students completing the curriculum offered in the second semester of 2008 |
Course: |
Department of Consumer Information Science - Personal Financial Planning, - Insurance & Risk Management, - Management Analysis of Stock Investment |
Konyang University - |
Approved only for Konyang University students completing the curriculum offered in the first semester of 2009 |
Course: |
Department of Finance & International Studies - Financial PlanⅠ, - Financial PlanⅡ |
Chungbuk National University - |
Approved only for Chungbuk National University students completing the curriculum offered in the second semester of 2009 |
Course: |
Department of Consumer Studies - Household Financial Planning, - Investment Planning, - Personal Risk and Insurance, - Investment in Real Estate, - Planning of Retirement & Inheritance |
Konkuk University - |
Approved only for Konkuk University students completing the curriculum offered in 2010 |
Course: |
Department of Consumer Information Science - Consumer Financial Planning, - Case Study on Consumer Financial Planning |
Daegu University - |
Approved only for Daegu University students completing the curriculum offered in 2010 |
Course: |
Department of Insurance and Finance - Personal Financial Planning(1), - Personal Financial Planning(2) |
Seoul Cyber University - |
Approved only for Seoul Cyber University students completing the curriculum offered in 2010 |
Course: |
Department of Finance & Insurance - Real Estate Planning, - Tax and Estate Planning, - Retirement Planning, - Investment Planning, - Insurance Planning, - Introduction to Financial Planning and Ethics |
Ewha Womans University - |
Approved only for Ewha Womans University students completing the curriculum offered in the second semester of 2010 |
Course: |
Department of Consumer Studies - Consumer Financial Planning, - Consumer Investment and Insurance |
Open Cyber University - |
Approved only for Open Cyber University students completing the curriculum offered in the second semester of 2010 |
Course: |
Department of Financial Asset Management - Insurance and Financial Planning, - Tax Planning, - Retirement Planning, - Investment in Real Estate |
Seoul Digital University - |
Approved only for Seoul Digital University students completing the curriculum offered in the second semester of 2010 |
Course: |
Department of Insurance Finance - Financial Planning, - Insurance and Retirement Planning, - Real Estate and Investment Planning, - Tax and Estate Planning |
Kookmin University - |
Approved only for Kookmin University students completing the curriculum offered in the first semester of 2011 |
Course: |
Department of Business Administration - Financial PlanningⅠ, - Financial PlanningⅡ |
Inje University - |
Approved only for Inje University students completing the curriculum offered in the first semester of 2011 |
Course: |
Department of Human Counseling and Welfare - Consumer Financial Planning, - Consumer Investment & Insurance |
Hanshin University - |
Approved only for Hanshin University students completing the curriculum offered in the first semester of 2011 |
Course: |
Department of Business Administration - Financial Planning of the Family, - Investment |
Kyunghee Cyber University - |
Approved only for Kyunghee Cyber University students completing the curriculum offered in the first semester of 2011 |
Course: |
Department of Asset Management - Introduction to Asset Management, - Insurance Planning, - Principles of Real Estate, - Retirement Planning, - Tax Strategic Management |
Jeonju University - |
Approved only for Jeonju University students completing the curriculum offered in the second semester of 2011 |
Course: |
Department of Finance - Financial PlanningⅠ, - Financial PlanningⅡ |
Chonnam National University - |
Approved only for Chonnam National University students completing the curriculum offered in the first semester of 2012 |
Course: |
Department of Family Environment & Welfare - Management In Family Finance ,- Consumer Financial Planning, - Investment and Insurances |
Kyungpook National University- |
Approved only for Kyungpook National University students completing the curriculum offered in the first semester of 2012 |
Course: |
Department of Business Administration - Financial Planning, - Asset Management |
Konyang Cyber University - |
Approved only for Konyang Cyber University students completing the curriculum offered in the first semester of 2012 |
Course: |
Department of Real Estate - Financial Planning, - Tax Planning, - Insurance Planning, - Investment Planning, - Real Estate Planning, - Retirement Planning, - Estate Planning |
Ulsan University - |
Approved only for Ulsan University students completing the curriculum offered in the second semester of 2012 |
Course: |
Department of Child and Family Welfare - Financial Planning of the Family, - Investment and Insurances |
Jeju National University - |
Approved only for Jeju National University students completing the curriculum offered in the second semester of 2012 |
Course: |
Department of Human Ecology & Welfare - Consumer Financial Planning, - Investment and Insurances, - Management in Family Finance |
Soongsil University - |
Approved only for Soongsil University students completing the curriculum offered in the second semester of 2012
Course: |
School of Finance - Asset Management, - Real Estate Financing |
Chungnam National University - |
Approved only for Chungnam National University students completing the curriculum offered in the second semester of 2012
Course: |
Department of Consumers’ Life Information
- Financial Management of the Family, - Investment Planning, - Retirement Planning |
Seowon University - |
Approved only for Seowon University students completing the curriculum offered in the first semester of 2013
Course: |
Department of Finance and Insurance
- Financial Planning Ⅰ, - Financial Planning Ⅱ |
Sangmyung University - |
Approved only for Sangmyung University students completing the curriculum offered in the second semester of 2013
Course: |
Department of Finance and Insurance
- Financial Planning Ⅰ, - Financial Planning Ⅱ |
Korea Nazarene University - |
Approved only for Korea Nazarene University students completing the curriculum offered in the first semester of 2014
Course: |
Department of International Real Estate
- Financial Planning Ⅰ, - Financial Planning Ⅱ |
Gyeongsang National University - |
Approved only for Korea Nazarene University students completing the curriculum offered in the first semester of 2014
Course: |
Department of International Real Estate
- Financial Planning Ⅰ, - Financial Planning Ⅱ |
Daegu Catholic University - |
Approved only for Daegu Catholic University students completing the curriculum offered in the first semester of 2014
Course: |
D: Department of Family Counseling and Welfare
- Consumer Financial Planning, - Retirement and Estate Planning, - Investment and Insurances |
Paichai University - |
Approved only for Paichai University students completing the curriculum offered in the first semester of 2014
Course: |
- Financial Planning Ⅰ, - Financial Planning Ⅱ |
Yeungjin College - |
Approved only for Yeungjin College students completing the curriculum offered in the first semester of 2014
Course: |
Department of Accounting & Financee
- Financial Planning Ⅰ, - Financial Planning Ⅱ |
Sookmyung Women’s University - |
Approved only for Sookmyung Women’s University students completing the curriculum offered in the second semester of 2014
Course: |
Department of Consumer Economics |
Kwangwoon University - |
Approved only for Kwangwoon University students completing the curriculum offered in the first semester of 2016
Course: |
Department of Business Administration
- Financial Planning Ⅰ, - Financial Planning Ⅱ |
Seokyeong University - |
Approved only for Seokyeong University students completing the curriculum offered in the first semester of 2016
Course: |
- Financial Planning, - Asset Management |