What are the differences between FPSB Korea and KFPA?
FPSB Korea is a certification organization managing the certification examination and CFP® and AFPK® certifications. KFPA is a group of AFPK- and CFP-certified members. For detailed information on the member services, participation, and other matters, please visit the respective websites (www.fpkorea.com).
Is it possible to use the AFPK®/CFP® logos or introduce myself to the customer as a CFP® and AFPK® certificant after passing the certification examination even if I have yet to obtain the certification?
Even if you have passed the examination, you are not allowed to use the AFPK and CFP logos without authorization. Unauthorized use of such is considered an infringement of the trademark law. Thus, you need to be careful.
Only those who took the oath to observe the code of ethics after passing the examination, and those whose certification is still valid through the procedures for passing the review of certification such as actual experience requirements (corresponding to CFP) or renewal can use the AFPK and CFP logos.
What can I do if my colleagues or others use the logo even though they are not AFPK- and CFP-certified?
Valid AFPK/CFP certificants can be verified using the search column for certificants at FPSB Korea's website by entering the certificant's name. If you know of someone who is not verified to be a certificant but is using the APFK and CFP logos, please fax us a copy of his/her business card or let us know by phone or email. FPSB shall then take the appropriate actions after confirmation.
The PDF file does not open. What should I do to view information in PDF format?
Information including certification and introduction to an examination, introduction to certification renewal, introduction to the use of the certification logo, and text book errata are in PDF format. To view them, you need to install Acrobat Reader.
My information provided from a certificant search is no longer accurate. How can I make a change?
After logging in at FPSB Korea's website, please correct the information at My Page and confirm.
Where can I download the AFPK and CFP logos?
If you are a valid certificant, you can download the logos from the library of My Page after logging in at FPSB Korea's website.
I lost my certification card. How can I have it re-issued?
There is no charge for a re-issuance of a certificate and certification card. Note, however, that re-issuance takes 7 days; shipping is done at the post office via registered mail. Apply with FPSB Korea via the Internet after entering the following information:
Required contents for the application for reissuance: